Skalitzer Straße 85-86, Berlin Kreuzberg
Di. 5. Juni 2018
Support: Néant

Genre: Indie

Andesh is a independent artist from Stockholm, Sweden. He relocated to Berlin in 2016 to pursue a bachelor degree in music and to further develop his art. Following his first official EP release and being a hardcore fan of mysticism, philosophy and larger then life questions he has now put together an audio-visual show around the theme of inner exploration, ranging from absolute fear to love-induced ecstasy. The music is inspired by various styles of ancient, religious and tribal music from around the world, carefully pulled out and mixed together to create an exciting blend of mantra-like hymns and scandinavian melancholia with modern western music. With his skillful guitar playing and creative use of looping and visuals his aim is to lure the audience in to a world of existential beauty and horror.