Skalitzer Straße 85-86, Berlin Kreuzberg
Sa. 2. März 2019
"1340" Album Release Tour

Genre: Alternative

Bomrani was formed in 2008, The tracks they composed and performed until 2010 were released in an unofficial album “Naked Socks”. They performed in various charity projects.

They had several creative collaborations with Iranian reputable theater directors and composed successful theater music pieces. Thanks to their multiplicity of their pieces, they were known as the most hard-working and active band in theater music in 2011 by the public relations of The City Theater, the most well-known performing arts complex in Tehran.

The variety of the music they composed in theater attracted various people with different tastes. Hence, they were commissioned by Chekeh Records to release an album for children in 2012. The album “Red Bus” as their first commissioned album was released on June 13th, 2014 and received great attention.

In the same year, they started recording “Common Vent” and, finally, the album was released on May 30th, 2015 in “Vartan House” in Tehran among their fans and shortly after performed in Shiraz and Isfahan . next album “Leaving and Passing By” was released in January 2017. This album received considerable attention shortly followed by successful concerts in the same year.

Since 2016, the band started giving numerous successful performances across Europe.
They will be performing their upcoming album “1340” on February and March 2019 in several cities in Europe.