Skalitzer Straße 85-86, Berlin Kreuzberg
Indie Pop / Folk / Country
Fr. 13. April 2018
Courtney Marie Andrews
Support: Twain

„A phenomenal songwriter“ (Ryan Adams)

Genre: Indie Pop / Folk / Country

Mit 16 Jahren verlässt Courtney Marie Andrews ihre Heimat in Arizona und geht auf Reisen. In den nächsten zehn Jahren spielt sie als Gitarristin und Background-Sängerin für Künstler, die nicht unterschiedlicher sein könnten: Damien Jurado, Jimmy Eat World und Milow. Nebenbei organisiert sie ganz eigenständig ohne Hilfe von Management oder Agenten eigene Tourneen und nimmt kontinuierlich fantastische Songs auf.

Im Januar 2017 ist jetzt endlich auch in Deutschland ihr großartiges und selbstproduziertes Album „Honest Life“ (VÖ: 20.01.17 | Loose Music/Rough Trade) erschienen. Die Bedeutsamkeit der neuen Songs und den Entstehungsprozess beschreibt Courtney selbst so: „While in Belgium for four months, I was going through a major heartbreak. I started growing homesick for America and the comfort of family and friends. (…) It was a giant hurdle in my life, my first true growing pains as a woman. That’s why I feel this record is a coming of age album. A common thread that runs through the songs is a great desire to fit somewhere, when nowhere fits – and wanting to get back home to the people I know and love.“ Im Laufe des Jahres folgte dann sogar noch eine Bonus 7-inch inklusive des tollen Singletracks “Near You”. Album wie Single bekommen weltweit hervorragenden Rezensionen, manch ein Kritiker geht soweit, Courtney als legitime Nachfolgerin von Emmylou Harris zu bezeichnen.

Im April 2018 kommt Courtney Marie Andrews zusammen mit ihrer wunderbaren Band für zwei Termine zurück nach Deutschland, und wir können es kaum erwarten, sie wieder live zu erleben.

Have you ever…

…faced an impossible question, to be answered at once by a kaleidoscope of wind, diffusing your bewilderment into thousands of spinning bulbs?

…awoken to hear the person sleeping beside you speaking a language they do not speak in their waking life?

…felt your legs possessed, to throw you across the room in shapes?

…lost your heart, only to find it on the bank of a cold spring, in the hands of a filling station attendant, or in the dust swimming through the light of your bedroom window?

Have you ever listened to Twain?

“A lonely day, I went outside to smoke awhile,
and think about a picture in a book:
He was laying in the grass in his suit,
as the angler posed in pursuit of the fish”

For the past decade or so, Mt. Davidson has cultivated his songs and sounds, attempting to create a bridge, a meeting place, between the terrestrial and the mystic. He is a ponderous and delicate sort of creature, short and vaguely leonine, who has spent most of his young life abiding in the midlands of transcendence.

“Oh to be there, the smell of her hair,
the deer swimming through the watery woods,
life won’t last long for those who hate it,
for those who love it, it lingers on like a dream”

Following its quiet self-release in 2014, his fifth and most recent LP, Life Labors in the Choir, has steadily gained devoted listeners throughout the globe and continues to blossom today. The album describes a marked evolution in an alluring yet strange and hesitant discography. Progressing from the bashfully childlike sounds of 2005’s Madeline, (now lost), through self-constructed garage multi-track tangles of Sleeping Tree (2007) and Almanack (2008), we hear the progress of a young man struggling to free himself from the shackles of depression and neurosis. In 2010’s Love is All Around, a distinct breakthrough can be felt in the form of a question that challenges the foundation of the doubt and fear running through the early music. This sudden evolution is in no small part owing to the addition of two musicians – Peter Pezzimenti (drums and vibes) and Ken Woodward (basses) – and a sound engineer – Adrian Olsen. The music really began to breathe.

”Freed from doubt, my cigarette went out,
the sun came out and warmed up the house,
oh to be fainting into that painting,
as I wrap up the tune and bring it to you”

This fall, Twain will release a new record of songs – Rare Feeling – on Keeled Scales Records (Austin, TX). These recordings have been gently fermenting for an extended period of time, and are now ready for consumption. The foundation of the record was captured in a tool shed by the great magi-bard, S. McMicken (Dr. Dog), using ancient and secret methods of time distortion. The resultant reels were then brought to Richmond VA, where master engineer and sound-seeker Adrian Olsen guided the songs into completion. As with the previous LP, the band has labored to present a purely AAA analog disc, and is eager for you to experience the special magnetic warmth that results from the process. (We once again are indebted to the mysterious and mighty Paul Gold of Salt Mastering for his kind attention).

If you would like to hear some music, please head over to

Bio by Buck Meek (Big Thief) & Mt. Davidson (Twain)
(Lyrics from Freed from Doubt, from Rare Feeling)

Örtlicher Veranstalter: Konzertbüro Schoneberg