Skalitzer Straße 85-86, Berlin Kreuzberg
Indie / Singer-Songwriter
Fr. 20. April 2018
Marlon Williams
Support: Delaney Davidson (ex Dead Brothers)
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Marlon Williams

Genre: Indie / Singer-Songwriter

Seit seinem Debütalbum aus 2016 überschlagen sich die Kritiker mit Lob. Im April 2018 kommt Marlon Williams, seines Zeichens Singer/Songwriter und New Zealand Music Award Gewinner in den Kategorien Best Male Solo Artist und Breakthrough Artist of the Year, für vier Konzerte nach Deutschland.

Mitbringen wird der für seine unglaubliche Stimme und seine packenden Live-Performances bekannte Künstler auch Songs von seinem mit Spannung erwarteten zweiten Album, das 2018 erscheinen wird. Erster Vorbote ist die neue Single „Vampire Again.“

Nach einem aufregenden Jahr mit Supportshows für Bruce Springsteen, einer Rolle in einem Hollywood-Film und Festivalauftritten in Nordamerika und Europa, kehrt Marlon Williams neben denbereits bekannten Folk- und Bluesmelodien seines ersten Albums mit neuen Songs, die sich stilistisch und musikalisch spürbar weiterentwickelt haben, nach Deutschland zurück.

Delaney Davidson

Artist Laureate of New Zealand 2015, three times winner of the NZ Country Music Song of the Year Award, awarded NZ Country Music Album Of The Year, finalist for the coveted NZ Apra Silver Scroll Award, and Winner of One Man Band Competition in Zurich. His seminal influence and work with Marlon Williams on their “Sad But True” series aswell as his visionary production on Tami Neilson’s acclaimed album’s “Dynamite” and “Don’t Be Afraid” have also earned him great praise from the media and huge respect amongst his peers.

Delaney Davidson is a New Zealand Singer Songwriter, Musician, and Visual Artist. Forging his own identity as a figure of the European Tour Circuit, he has been a strong part of the Voodoo Rhythm Family of Switzerland since 2003 and has started to build a name for himself in the USA.

Initially inspired by the songs of Hank Williams and the Birthday Party, and the performance styles of distilled Johnny Cash and dead-pan Buster Keaton, Delaney synthesizes this into his own persona. A wry sense of humour, some theatre of unease, and a voice classed as “not conventionally beautiful” all combine to breathe life and space into the niche he has carved out for himself, winning him critical acclaim across the world for his original take on things.

The guitar and harmonica of his simple live show have become his trademark, a small battered suitcase as his props table for the magic show, looping sounds over each other to achieve the full drive of a juke band. Howlin Wolf meets Suicide. Reverbed vocals and the slap back beats he builds with his Ghost Orchestra capture the sound of Chicago’s Chess Records.

Generally dealing with the darker side of things, Davidson’s lyrical content ranges from classic murder ballads to songs with a deeper insight into the human condition and a sympathy and acceptance of the quirks of life and human foibles. Combining the older style of beerhall musician and the traditions of pantomime and audience involvement his live show is renowned for its sublime dance competitions and bawdy sing-alongs.

Örtlicher Veranstalter: Trinity Music