Genre: R&B
WHAT? R&B and songs about love played by DJs that give a damn.
WHEN? Friday, February 14th.
WHY? We all need some R&B in our lives.
WHO? Kush Babees (Boogie Dan & Stimulus)
Boogie Dan
Homepage / Instagram / Facebook / Soundcloud
Instagram / Facebook / Soundcloud
Entry: 10€ at the door.
We’re doing this for the love of LOVE music. For those of us who STILL listen to R&B and know about the modern scene. Old school is cool,.but there are also a lot of new artists killing it out there. SHEA BUTTER is a place to relive the sweet memories of past eras as well as a space where the modernity of (Future) R’n’B will flourish.
To navigate this soulful journey, we’ll be inviting special guest DJs who love R&B and want to show us what the genre means to them TODAY.
We are looking forward sharing with all of you our favorite R’N’B tunes!
See you there!