Skalitzer Straße 85-86, Berlin Kreuzberg
Sa. 28. Januar 2017
St. Beaufort
Support: Alexa Shoen
Für dieses Konzert können Tickets ohne VVK-Gebühren auch im Privatclub Office erworben werden: Mo. - Fr. von 11 bis 16 Uhr, Skalitzer Str. 85-86, Toreinfahrt links, Aufgang A.

Genre: Folk

St. Beaufort is an international folk and bluegrass band from Berlin. Based on guitar, fiddle, banjo, accordion, upright bass and layers of colorful vocal harmonies, the band is raw acoustics and forges a bridge between the American folk and bluegrass tradition and contemporary songwriting.The band has played more than 150 shows in 9 countries across Europe over the last three years, including summer festivals and concerts in England, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, Switzerland, or Germany. Their debut album was released in 2015 and received critical acclaim for its intimacy and rawness. On January 28th, the band celebrates the peak of Berlin’s winter at Privatclub. Come join them for a special evening.