Genre: 6ts & 7ts Upfront Rare Soul
oder in anderen Worten Europas zweitältester regulärer Soulclub feiert seinen 27igsten Geburtstag!
Germanys oldest and longest running Soulclub, one of the few places where todays biggies meet yesterdays dream classics and get mixed with the semi-known and fresh under the radar 6ts/7ts/8ts tunes! We dont do playlists. You have to be there to get IT.
Hip City Soul Club – still going strong after 27 long and fantastic years – and still one of the few places where todays biggies meet yesterdays classics and get mixed with the semi-known and fresh under the radar tunes!
Line Up:
DJs Marc Forrest + Franz Heidl plus special guest DJ bUTCH! (UK)