WICHTIG: für einen Besuch im Privatclub Berlin gelten aktuell immer noch Corona-bedingt folgende Auflagen:
2G: Impfnachweis nur noch per QR-Code (App oder auf Papier) oder Genesungsnachweis
Kontaktdaten: Luca App, Corona Warn-App oder per Formular
Dafür aber kein Abstand und keine Masken.
Genre: Indie / Guilty Pleasures
We’re back! 18 months after our You!Me!Dancing! was cancelled due to global lockdown, we’ll return to our beloved Privatclub, serving the finest indie tunes, old and new, sprinkled with some classics such as David Bowie and whatever we feel like. The later the night, the more guilty pleasures we’ll play. Requests will be accepted. There will be a cheap list! There will be a free shot for the first 30 dancers to arrive!
Let’s pretend we’re as young as 18 months ago- well, at least for the night- and dance on the bar until the sun rises.
Ps.: The party will take place according to 2G regulations. Admission with proof of vaccination (QR codes) or recovery only. Stay safe but not sober.
„It’s Friday night- you wanna dance, but you’re just not cool enough for techno? Home parties are not what they used to be, either? Well, then join us: It’s „You! Me! Dancing!“, a brand-new indie party in the heart of Kreuzberg. Serving the finest indie music, from not-yet-famous but ridiculously danceable tunes to tasteful hits that will set your dancing shoes on fire. Seasoned with the best of new wave and guilty pleasures from the 90s & naughties.“